CBD Oil for Cats - Advice & Information
As we discussed on our CBD for PETS page, giving a Cat (or any Pet) CBD in the UK is quite a grey area and is really down to the owner (on the advice of their local vet).
In the last 12 months, more and more Vets are recommending trying your Cat on CBD for things like: Anxiety (calming your Cat), Arthritis, Pain, Seizures, general help with poorly eating Cats etc.
CBD is now being widely recognised as a go to supplement for may Pets (just as it is in humans).
Unlike Dogs, Cats are a lot harder to diagnose with things like Anxiety. It is also a lot harder to relax a Cat. A dog will lay next to you all day while you rub its belly but a cat will normally want to be out and about.If you think your Cat is nervous/anxious, we have things like our True Hemp relaxing Cat treats (below). These are proving very effective for relaxing Cats.
As with a Dog, you should be able to see if your Cat is in any distress or pain.
As mentioned on our CBD for PETS information page, all pets (especially Cats & Dogs), must avoid THC. This is the psychoactive ingredient in the Cannabis plant and can cause Cats & Dogs to have seizures.
How much CBD should I give my Cat?
As there are no "PET" CBD products in the UK (legally), you will find that the CBD Oil recommended by Vets is normally a "human" THC Free Isolate CBD Oil, blended with things like Salmon Oil. Because it is designed for humans, the boxes will not offer any advice on dosages for Pets. This would make it a "Pet" specific product and the VMD (Veterinary Medicines Directorate) just do not allow that at present (hopefully this will all change in the near future).
Studies in America by Dr Gary Richter (CLICK to see full report) found that the recommended amount of CBD safe to give Pets varied from 2-8mg/kg but most erred on a lower limit of 1-2mg/kg. **As with all CBD, less is often found to be more effective.
Alternative & Complementary ways to help your Cat with Anxiety etc
**Please note: CBD UK do not recommend purchasing any CBD products unless recommended or prescribed by a qualified VMD Approved Veterinary Surgeon. We understand customers do give their animals CBD to try and help them with all kinds of problems and we often get asked about giving pets CBD. We are not and do not pretend to be Vets and we are not qualified to offer advice on giving animals CBD.